Any Questions?
We want to learn about your product and discuss how our unrivaled service can work for you. We welcome all inquiries; whatever your situation IHC can be your solution for canning. Send us a message by hitting the button below and you will receive a quick response.
Q: Do you have minimums or maximums?
Nope. We can fill any quantity of liquid.
Q: Does mobile canning provide good quality?
With Iron Heart it does. Our mission is to be the best at what we do, and that means being the best canner, period, not just the best mobile canner. Our unrivaled expertise, robust training programs, extensive infrastructure of quality control and engineering sets the bar for quality in the canning industry.
Q: Do you just can beer?
We can beer, wine, cider, coffee, CBD drinks, RTDs, seltzers, non-alcoholic drinks, and more! Check out our services page to see what we have to offer.
Q: Do you work with co-packers?
Yes we do! We have a growing network of co-packing partners that we work with. If you’re a co-packer who would like to be added to our network, just fill out the form and we’ll reach out!